Categories: Main DishesNo-meat

Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms

Another traditional russian dish for these who feel adventurous to make it: fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms (piroshki or pyrizhky).

I don’t think it is hard to do, but it does require some time and can be a nice activity for whole family, since assembling pies will go faster with more hands 🙂

You can use ready-to-go dough, or prepare dough yourself, for this recipe you would need about half of the batch prepare for unsweetened yeast dough

Serve pies warm or cooled down, alone or accompanied by a clear broth or soup.


  • 1-1.5lb of potatoes
  • 8-10 oz of mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • Dried or fresh dill (optional)
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Not sweet yeast dough
  • Oil for frying

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 1
  2. Peel potatoes, slice them, add to the pot with water, bring to boil, salt to taste and keep cooking until softened:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 2
  3. While potatoes are cooking, peel and dice onion, warm up a skilled with a bit of oil and fry onions until colored, stir from time to time:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 3
  4. Rinse mushrooms, clean if needed, slice and add to the same skillet to onions:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 4
  5. Cook onions and mushrooms together until liquid produced by mushrooms evaporates, then add dried (or fresh) dill, salt and pepper to taste, and cook all together for another minute or two, then remove from heat:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 5
  6. When potatoes are ready, strain the liquid off and mash them:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 6
  7. Add mushrooms and onions:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 7
  8. Mix everything, taste and add more salt and pepper if needed, mushroom and potatoes stuffing is ready:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 8
  9. Now it is time to make pies. For that divide dough into smaller pieces and roll each into circle:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 9
  10. Put stuffing in the middle and seal dough edges to form a pie:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 10a
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 10b
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 10c

    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 10d
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 10e
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 10f

  11. Repeat with rest of dough and stuffing (make sure you dust the board generous amount of flour and don’t put pies too close together):
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 11
  12. Warm up deeper skillet with significant amount of oil. Working in batches, fry pies from one side until colored:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 12
  13. Then flip to another side and cook through:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 13
  14. Move ready pies to a plate:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms: Step 14
  15. Serve with broth or by itself:
    Fried Pies with Potatoes and Mushrooms