Categories: BeefMain Dishes

Fried Beef Liver with Onions

Liver is an irreplaceable source of various nutrients which are very important for human health. It has biggest concentration of a vitamin A comparing to all other food sources; natural source of vitamin D, B12 and C, phosphorus and copper; it is high on protein of animal origin; and the most important, it is rich source of easily absorbed iron – that made liver a part of the treatment for pernicious anemia.

Saying all of that, I was very surprised of how hard it was to find fresh beef liver in a local shops (true to tell I didn’t try a local farmer markets, didn’t locate any around yet). I am also pretty sure, what liver dishes are not very popular in this part of the earth globe, however they are traditional in Europe: Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and a believe a lot of other countries.

So here is my attempt to fix that: fried beef liver with onions – is perfect lunch or dinner dish, it is very easy to cook and, as I already mentioned above, it is very nutritious. Important tip: do not overcook liver, to preserve as much goodness as you can.


  • 2 lb of beef or veal liver
  • 2 big onions
  • All purpose flour, about 1 cup
  • Sunflower oil
  • Salt to taste

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: if you got liver in a whole piece then clean it (remove hard vessel parts) and slice in pieces about 1/3 of inch wide.

    I was only able to find cleaned and already sliced beef liver in the supermarket near by, it was also deep frozen, so if you got the same – let liver unfreeze for about 3 hours before cooking (if you need to unfreeze it faster putting the sealed box with frozen liver under slow running cold water will help), keep in mind whole piece will need more time to unfreeze than the sliced:
    Fried Beef Liver with Onions Recipe: Step 1
  2. Put a skillet on the moderate heat burner, add 2-3 tbsp of sunflower oil. While skillet is being warmed up, pour flour into plate with sides wide enough for pieces of liver you’ve got; then roll several pieces of liver one by one in flour from both sides:
    Fried Beef Liver with Onions Recipe: Step 2
  3. Move liver pieces to the warmed up skillet, fry on this side for about 1 min (if your liver slices are thicker than mine – increase cooking time a accordingly):
    Fried Beef Liver with Onions Recipe: Step 3
  4. Turn each piece of liver which is cooked from one side to another and fry for 1 more min (make sure you only do it once for each piece, otherwise liver might lose its softness):
    Fried Beef Liver with Onions Recipe: Step 4
  5. Move liver pieces cooked evenly from each side to a big plate and season with a salt. Then proceed with frying rest of the liver:
    Fried Beef Liver with Onions Recipe: Step 5
  6. While the liver pieces are cooking, warm up another skillet with 2 tbsp of oil over moderate-low heat. Peel onions and slice them into half-circles, move to the skillet and fry until soft and brown colored for about 15-20 mins; stir from time to time:
    Fried Beef Liver with Onions Recipe: Step 6
  7. Serve fried beef liver warm, topped with fried onions and with your choice of a side dish, my personal choice here would be potato puree:
    Fried Beef Liver with Onions

View Comments

  • Not traditional? As a poor kid in South Georgia, were it not for Beef Liver, we would have gone "meatless" many a Friday. It was Fish or Liver on Friday nights, depending on what side of the tracks you were on.

    • YEsssssss!!! Being 1 of 9 kids my Mom had fried liver & onions with mashed potatoes and Gravy from our vegetable garden at least 2 times a week. We all loved it!! Especially her homemade Biscuits:) Very cheap meal!

    • Is it still so though? Wondering if times had changed some things? Here in Ohio I can could count the stores I know that sells liver on the fingers of on hand...

  • Does anybody know how to cook beef liver in a NuWave Brio digital hot air fryer

  • I have a question that I need someone help.I cook liver and onion but the liver still to be tough. How do I get it softer?

  • I love liver..but in my home we only eat wild red meat such as venison. I always keep the liver and sometimes the heart but I have always cooked the liver traditionally, do you or any of your readers have a recipe that is best with wild liver? Thanx

    • Once you have tasted Venison liver, you will tell everyone it is the best ! During deer hunting season, liver and onions is the evening meal everyone looks forward to after a successful hunt. Truly delicious.

      Cook Venison liver properly as you would any other liver : S&P, slight dusting of flour, and high heat fast fry in a little oil. Don't over cook or liver will be tough, and don't use too much flour or the liver will be "paste-y". Make a good beef & onion gravy, mashed potatoes, caramelized onions, and peas & corn separately before frying the liver. Serve liver immediately when it is done.

      BTW, once tried making a liver stir fry, but only once.....

    • I never tried to cook “wild” liver, wondering if it is any different from a “domestic” one…

  • thanx everyone. the tips on cooking live r helped. sour cream with it sounds goo d but is it. used as a side fo r dipping into.

  • Wow! Thanks. My mom used to make liver, but I couldn't remember how she did it so I thought of looking on the internet and WALLA!! Just how my mom used to cook it. I cooked it for my boyfriend and he couldn't stop raving about it. He loved it!!!!
    Thank you so much!! Liver has become a must have and a necessity and a permanent name on my month end shopping list.

  • To all who shared on this website welldone and thank you especially to Julia
    and to the person who commented about GRAMMAR maybe you should eat some liver and your brain cells will become HEALTHY
    Thanks ALL
    God Bless

  • Thanks for the great recipe! Gregg seems to be worried about grammar on social media, but he certainly isn't worried about his own bad language! As the parent of a child that is struggling with writing I would tell her that her best try is worth 1000 times more than someone's bad manners! Thanks again for the recipe. I love liver and this recipe is the best

    • Thank you, Tammy :)

      English isn't my native language, so I use this blog also to practice my english. I don't mind being corrected, in fact all of you pointing out my typos and mistakes help me to be better, so I appreciate this. The bad language I can ignore :)