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Crepes (Thin Pancakes)

There is more than one recipe for pancakes on this website, if you are looking for some other recipe, try here: all pancake recipes.

Crêpes (crepes, thin pancakes, blintz, bliny, mlynchyky) can be served with various dips and plain fillings (fresh fruits, sour cream, honey, jam, sugar, etc) or be staffed with more complex fillings like mushroom & cheese sauce, meat and rice, eggs and green onions stuffing, etc.

But in any case you will need to prepare crêpes first and that requires agility and some kind of training. Read how I prepare them in the step-by-step guide.


  • About 1 quart of milk (can be more or less depends of the flour you use)
  • 4 tbsp of sugar
  • 1-2 eggs
  • 3-4 cups of all purpose flour
  • 0.5 tbsp of salt
  • Sunflower oil
  • 0.5 tbs of baking soda
  • Butter

How to make, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 1
  2. Mix eggs, sugar and salt in a big bowl till sugar is dissolved:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 2
  3. Add 1 cup of flour, 0.5 tbs of baking soda and mix:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 3
  4. Add 1 tbsp of sunflower oil and 1 cup of milk and mix well. Add the rest of prepared flour and mix again till batter become homogeneous, then start mixing in rest of the milk in small portions. You need to get thin batter, so stop adding milk when you get thickness like the following:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 4
    Live batter to rest for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Warm 10” (or less) diameter frying pan on medium-high heat and oil it with sunflower oil. The actions you need to do next will require some kind of agility. Tilt frying pan with one hand, ladle batter with other and pour it on the pan from the top to the side. You need to tilt pan in circle motion to help batter to spread. You can add more batter if you see you ladled too less:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 5a
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 5b
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 5c
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 5d
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 5e
  6. Put frying pan back to the burner when batter spread evenly and fry crepe till there is no more liquid batter on its edges:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 6
  7. Now you need to flip crepe to fry it from other side. Separate crepe’s edge from the frying pan (you can use knife or spatula, or any other tool), pick it up using your hands (or spatula again) and flip it to the other side:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 7
    I usually do it by hands, but for that you need some kind of training to not burn your fingertips off, well long nails can help here too 🙂
  8. Fry crepe from other side for same time:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 8
  9. Move crepe to the big flat plate and spread butter on top of it:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 9
  10. Repeat the same procedure (step #5 – #9) for all batter in the bowl. Put another big plate on top of the crepes pile and flip it to other side:
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) Recipe: Step 10
  11. Thin pancakes are ready! Serve them warm (but not hot) for breakfast or snack with various dips, such as sour cream, fruit jams, honey or syrups.
    Crêpes (Thin Pancakes) are Ready!

You can also stuff crepes with some fillings with as soft cheese, meat filling, meet and rice, mushroom and cheese sauce, and so on, here you can find some recipes:

Tips & Advices:

  • Thickness of the batter can be corrected later on by adding more flour if you need more stiff batter, or mixing in a bit of milk if you need to make it thiner.
  • If crepe tears apart when you are trying to flip it to fry from other side you can try to add 1 more egg or/and a bit of flour to the batter.
  • It is good if you use cast-iron frying pan to make crepes, however if you don’t have cast-iron pan in your kitchen “arsenal” you can use pretty much any other frying pan. Also good if your pan has low sides, it is much easier to flip crepes if so. Well, how you can see on photos I was “lucky” enough to not have both, but it worked for me even without. However having not cast-iron frying pan with tall sides could require more agility while making crepes.

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