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Crepes Stuffed with Apple

There is more than one recipe for pancakes on this website, if you are looking for some other recipe, try here: all pancake recipes.

For some reasons, I always cook a bit too much than we can eat at once, especially when it comes to crêpes.

So there are some times when I am wondering what to do with all those extra crêpes left from the yesterday.

Here is nice idea how else you can eat left over crêpes: stuff them with honey and apples – those will get you full fast, and because stuffing is pure apple – you will also eat good nutritious breakfast.

If you are interested to know how to cook thin crêpes – read here.


  • 4 thin crêpes
  • 1 sweet apple
  • 2tbs of natural honey
  • Ground cinnamon to taste

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: 1 big apple is enough for about 4 crêpes, if you want to prepare more – just adjust amount of ingredients:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 1
  2. Let’s prepare stuffing first. Skin the apple:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 2
  3. Cut apple in 4-6 pieces, remove seeds and grate each piece on big slots of the grater:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 3
  4. Season grated apple with cinnamon to taste:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 4
  5. Add 2 teaspoons of natural honey and mix everything:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 5
  6. Put one thin crêpe on big flat plate; scoop ¼ of stuffing (grated apple will produce juice – take it too, crepe will absorb it) and arrange it in the middle of the crêpe in even thin layer, leave about 2 inches free of stuffing from the sides:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 6
  7. Fold a bottom side toward the middle:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 7
  8. Fold left and right side toward the middle:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 8
  9. Fold a crepe with stuffing from bottom side toward the middle again and cove with the top side which is free of stuffing:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple Recipe: Step 9
  10. Repeat for the rest of stuffing. Serve for breakfast or as a quick healthy snack:
    Crêpes Stuffed with Apple

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