Categories: ChickenMain Dishes

Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese

Don’t get scared by amount of ingredients: it isn’t that complicated to cook chicken lasagna with spinach and fresh cheese at home, especially if you have noodles which doesn’t require boiling.

Of course it will take some time too cook stuffing as well white sauce, but at the end you will get whole baking pan of tasty creamy lasagna.

I used fresh spinach, but frozen will work good too, just thaw it before cooking and drain liquid before mixing with cooked chicken. Tvorog (fresh cow cheese) can be replaced with ricotta of the same weight as well.

Serve lasagna 10-15 mins after you take it from the oven; leftovers can be stored in fridge and re-heated in microwave.


  • Lasagna noodles for 4 layers
  • 2-2.5cups of shredded mozzarella
  • 1/2 cup of grated parmesan

  • Chicken and spinach stuffing:
  • 1lb-1.5lb of chicken breasts
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 10-12 oz fresh baby spinach
  • 3/4 lb of fresh white cheese (quark) or ricotta
  • Fresh parsley
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • Herbs: dried basil, dried oregano to taste
  • Salt

  • Bechamel (white) sauce:
  • 1/2 cup of butter (1 stick)
  • 3.5 cups of milk
  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • Salt

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 1
  2. Start by making chicken-spinach stuffing with fresh cheese. First warm up deep skillet with 1-2 tablespoons of oil, peel and chop onions, fry them over moderated heat until lightly colored:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 2
  3. Then peel and chop garlic, add to onions and fry them together until soft, stir from time to time:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 3
  4. Rinse and finely chop chicken, add to the skillet and fry until cooked, add dried basil and oregano:
    Chop chicken
    Fry for 10-15 mins
    Add dried basil and oregano

  5. Rinse spinach, remove hard steams (if any) and gradually add it to the skillet (during cooking its volume will decrease, so eventually you will be able to add all 10oz):
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 5
  6. After all spinach is in, salt it all to taste, mix and set skillet aside:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 6
  7. In large bowl mash fresh cheese with a fork, add chopped fresh parsley and mix:
    Mash fresh cheese
    Add chopped parsley
    And mix

  8. Mix fresh cheese and parsley with chicken and spinach:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 8
  9. Now it is time for white sauce – it is important to stir it all the time while cooking so it doesn’t burn. First melt all butter in large sauce pan:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 9
  10. Gradually stir all flour in until blended:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 10
  11. Cook until bubbly:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 11
  12. Warm up all milk in microwave and still in gradually into the flour and butter mixture:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 12
  13. Stir until homogeneous, salt to taste and bring to boil, remove from burner:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 13
  14. Turn oven on 355F and let’s assemble lasagna while oven is warming up: lay bottom of baking pan with a layer of lasagna noodles (1/4 of all noodles), leave a bit of space from sides, lasagna will increase during cooking:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 14
  15. Spread 1/3 of chicken-spinach-cheese mix:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 15
  16. Cover with a 1/4 of white sauce:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 16
  17. And spread about 1/3 of mozzarella cheese:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 17
  18. Cover with other 1/4 of lasagna noodles:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 18
  19. And repeat last 4 steps for 2 sets of more layers:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 19
  20. Then cover with last layer of noodles:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 20
  21. Spread over remaining of white sauce and put to oven warmed up to 355F for 30-35 mins:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 21
  22. Then take baking pan with lasagna out, season with shredded parmesan cheese and put back to oven for 10 mins more:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 22
  23. Remove baking pan from the oven and let it stand for 10-15 mins before splicing up:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe: Step 23
  24. Then serve:
    Chicken Lasagna with Spinach and Fresh Cheese Recipe