Categories: EggsMain Dishes

Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes

One of these “whatever you have in the fridge” recipes here: in this case it calls for cauliflower, tomatoes, eggs and some greens.

I love cauliflower, fried cauliflower the most, and combination of cauliflower with eggs is one of my favorites.

Cooking cauliflower on skillet will take some time, use a lid to speed things up. I would advise against boiling or steaming cauliflower for this recipe as it will become too watery and will lose the crunch.


  • 3-4 cauliflower florets
  • 4-5 eggs
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 tablespoon of cream
  • Fresh greens (dill or/and parsley)
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil for frying

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 1
  2. Warm up skillet with olive oil, slice cauliflower florets into smaller pieces and fry them over medium low heat until desired softness, stir from time to time (cover skillet with a lid to make sure cauliflower cooks quicker):
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 2
  3. When cauliflower is ready, slice tomato and cook veggies together for a minute or two:
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 3
  4. Meanwhile, beat together eggs, cream, salt and pepper:

    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 4a
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 4b
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 4c

  5. Pour eggs mixture over veggies in skillet:
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 5
  6. Season with chopped greens (dill or parsley or a combination of both):
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 6
  7. And cook until eggs are ready (either under the lid, or flip eggs to another side to cook evenly like I did):
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes: Step 7
  8. Serve as soon as eggs are cooked:
    Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes


Published by
Julia Volhina