We bought a big box of peaches on our way back home from vacation in South Carolina ocean side. They were very ripe and sweet and most important they were a lot, much more than we can eat in 2, even for longer time.
Even after eating big portion of them fresh and handing some out, there were still some left. It was a time to cook peaches before they spoil.
I found this recipe for stuffed baked peaches, and must say that baked peaches become one of my favorite desserts – cooked peaches are very tender and flavorful.
I will definitely improvise more in this direction once my hands get ahold of more peaches to try various stuffings.
3-4 ripe peaches
2-2.5oz of black chocolate
6-7 shortbread cookies
1/4 inch of fresh ginger root
1 egg yolk
3 tbsp of red wine
3.5 tbsp of butter
1 cup of peach juice or 1 cup of water + peach pure
1 tbsp of sugar (if chocolate isn’t sweet)
Powdered sugar to taste
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: I used russian shortbread cookies, but I think any other will work just as good; also I had unsweetened chocolate so used a bit of sugar, if you use sweet chocolate sugar can be skipped; and the last note but not least: put chocolate to the freezer for a couple hours before cooking, it will be much easier to grate if it is frozen:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 1
Start of by crushing shortbread cookies (first I broke them with my hands and then crushed with flat side of meat tenderizer):
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 2
Grate all chocolate on medium side slots:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 3
Remove skin from ginger and grate it on small slots:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 4
Separate egg yolk from egg white (you will not need egg white for this recipe, just yolk). If you use sugar, mix it with egg yolk first, until sugar disolved totally (this is easier to do with teaspoon by rubbing mix toward a bowl side):
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 5
Then add yolk and sugar mix to the main mixing bowl:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 6
Add about 3 tablespoons of red wine:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 7
And mix stuffing thoroughly:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 8
Now take a baking pan, slice each peach in half and remove pit (which is much easier to do if peaches are ripe). Slice a bit off the round part of each peach half so it can stay straight on flat surface and arrange all peach halves in the baking pan:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 9
Using teaspoon, stuff each peach half with chocolate-ginger stuffing:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 10
Evenly distribute stuffing between all halves:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 11
Melt all butter (in microwave oven or any other way) and evenly splash each stuffed peach half with melted butter:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 12
Pour peach juice (or as I did puree of peach half with a cup of boiled water) in baking pan:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 13Warm up oven till 330F, put pan in for 25 mins.
Serve baked stuffed peaches warm. Before serving powder each peach half with confectioner’s sugar:
Place each peach on a serving platePowder it with confectioner's sugarAnd serve warm!
And if you wish sprinkle each peach with juice produced while baking (but in this case sugar will get wet and will not look so festive). Serve baked peaches with chocolate and ginger stuffing warm as dessert:
Baked Peaches with Chocolate and Ginger Stuffing Recipe: Step 15