
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Contact Me

Published on December 29th, 2008 by

For various reasons you may want to contact me, please leave comment on this page.

60 Responses to “Contact Me”


    Some of your recipes comment headers are infested by spammer…..i.e “Shrimp, Egg and Potato Layered SaladFebruary 8th, 2014 in Salads by Julia Volhina

    Total cooking time: 7h
    This salad is often referred to as “Shrimps Under Fur Coat” salad, here two shrimp layers are dressed in layer of grated potatoes, eggs, mayo and topped with red caviar.
    I know red caviar is not something people here buy and eat all that often, but if you decide to try this salad I suggest to get caviar from the local european or russian store.
    This salad need some time to settle down after assembling, so prepare it at least 6 hours prior to serving. Babes are engulfing stripper dudes cocks eag Stud enjoys playing with a large ass Joseline Kelly loves getting her teen pussy eaten

  2. Mary says:

    Hi, I’m trying to leave a comment on a recipe, and the site won’t let me. I love the recipe I tried from you and wanted to thank you and share my info about it!

    • Thank you! I can see that you managed to post a comment for a recipe, so I hope it worked eventually, bit if not, if you don’t mind letting me know what recipe you were trying to post comment on and what error did you get I would like to investigate the issue with commenting further…

  3. Montana says:

    this site looks delicious

  4. Marius says:

    hello, I am interested in buying some of your content. if you are interested, please contact me by email. thanks!

  5. Wayne Kelly says:

    Hi Julia! I have recently found your website and recipes online and have made 2 of them so far. I chose to make the 2 recipes specifically because they seemed like Slavic recipes that I am familiar with, because my wife is from Lviv Ukraine. Looks like you are too, small world!

  6. alfonzo says:

    Hi Julia i have a website and app. I would like to use your recipes with How to prepare, step-by-step:I will incluse your what whatever you want. App isnt published yet butit will be soon. Please let me know if it ok to use your content and images. Thanks Alfonzo

  7. sidra says:

    Hi julia, I have the same white green and black plates that you used in your pictures a, I love them but they are breaking now, I want to buy the same set but i dont know where to find them .Do you know the name of place where I can buy them from. I actually bought them from a thrift store.
    Your cooking style is very minimalist and I like it. Thanks

    • Do you mean the plates like the one here:

      If yes – I got them from Walmart, and I tried to find more of these at some point because I like them too, but the Walmart didn’t have them anymore, not in this color anyway. There were some with dark orange and brown in similar style.

  8. Lisa says:

    Hello Julia,

    I am a traveler and lover of everything different – history, culture and foods of course 🙂 and that is
    why I started my blog about ethnic foods from around the world.

    I would love to have your Eastern European recipes featured at my blog, so please feel free to submit them at:


    See you there 🙂




  9. Misha Andriluka says:


    thank you very much for a great collection of recipes.

    The pictures showing each stage of cooking are amazingly helpful. This way I know I am on the right track while cooking 🙂


  10. Hi,

    My name is Leon and I am a media buyer at MediaShakers Corp, a global online advertising network.
    We are dedicated to create innovative opportunities for our partners by guaranteeing a high fill rate and sharing our exclusive campaigns.
    I recently came across your website https://www.enjoyyourcooking.com and we have a few campaigns that can mesh perfectly with your traffic.
    Since our company is looking for a long term cooperation with unique and qualitative partners, I can see a great potential in working together.

    We are interested in purchasing display inventory you might have.
    Please let me know if there is a possibility to cooperate with you and advertise on your website.

    I’m looking forward for your response.

    Best regards,

    Leon Karagach | Product Management

    Phone: +972-74-7006-529 Skype: Leon-Mediashakers
    Email : Leonk@mediashakers.com
    Web: http://www.mediashakers.com

  11. Sophie says:

    Love your recipes!!! Keep it up!!! ;)))

  12. Gene says:

    Hi Julia,

    I found EYC while I was searching for a recipe for schav. Your recipe for sorrel soup looks very interesting. When I made it before, I used chicken stock and cream. Your recipe, with pork stock and parsnip and egg, sounds delicious. I’ll be trying it in a few days. I’m lucky – my neighbor grows sorrel in his garden here in San Francisco, so I can get enough sorrel to make soup!

    Thanks, and please say Hi to Stalone and Shiva.

    – Gene

    • You are pretty lucky have have such neighbor! I got my sorrel from Whole Foods other day, and I don’t want to talk about how much it cost me :((((

      Hi back from Stalone and Shiva 🙂

  13. Maria says:

    Dear Julia,

    I was wondering if I could borrow some of your recipes to add to our website http://www.jane.tips – and images? In return I would link to your site.

    with kind regards,


  14. Evelina says:

    Hi Julia,

    Love your recipes, so much so that I want to store them in my notebook. Any possibility of making your recipes print friendly? Currently, they are over 6 pages long. I love that layout online for wonderful visual directions, but I wouldn’t mind having succinct versions. Something like simplyrecipes dot com. Thanks again for the delicious food, I’m a big fan!

    • I will put it on my to-do list, it will take some time though. Thanks for your comment!

      • Actually, I think I found a nice plugin, now you should be able to see “print” button under the recipe title. Could you please try it out and let me know if it works the way you want it to? It currently adds photos to the printable version, but there is an easy way to turn them off too.

        • Evelina says:

          That’s great. The only glitch I found, is when I remove the images grey boxes are left behind stating the name of the recipe and the step number. Also, any possibility of selecting only the main image to be displayed? When I check off the box to remove images it removes everything, I like your initial photos to be together with the recipe. But for now it’s a great option! Thank you!

          • I think this plugin allows you to remove any element of the page by clicking on it, but that may take some time from you to do. I will try to research if I can adjust it to do it by default, but I am not sure if that is easily possible.

  15. Carm says:

    Hi Julia,
    I’m publishing a cook book as a fund raising project for the Thyroid Head and Neck Cancer Foundation, (THANC.) I would like to devote a few pages consisting of of soft food choices for those caregivers to prepare for those afflicted with these diseases. Would it be possible to use some of your recipes and reference them to you in my book?
    Thank you. I would appreciate any suggestions or help you can give me.
    Carm Sagendorf

  16. Aly says:

    What happened to your site? Why does it looks different?

    I want to bake “Simple Cake with Sour Cream Frosting” for my son’s B-D and it’s really hard to read.

    Love your site,

  17. Nauris says:

    Dear Julia,

    you’re doing great with your cooking blog. I really like the personal touch and, the “Chicken Cacciatore” recipe. It’s just amazing, thanks for that 🙂 I’ve decided to offer a small help to you, for free of course. I’m working on new e-book. It’s all about making a great evening for “just married” couples: great dinner, small surprises, creating the right atmosphere, etc. I’d like to help you to promote your amazing cooking skills on this e-book, if you agree to share and describe one of your recipes (step by step with pictures). Even more, it would be great to add some short story about you and your blog. You will be one of only 15 cooks on this book, and every person provides the e-book with one dinner recipe + personal information + link to the blog. Please inform me about your decision until Friday 26th. If you say “Yesss”, I’ll send some small additional details 🙂

    Feel free to contact me about any other questions.
    Kind regards,

    Nauris Svika
    Owner of the event management company in Latvia (EU) “B02” Ltd.

    • Hello Nauris,

      thank you for the kind words and the offer.

      It is very flattering, but I will have to decline it. Unfortunately I don’t have time to participate side projects at the moment, I can barely keep up with timely updates of this blog.

      Thank you again, and good luck with the e-book!


  18. Evochka says:

    Privet Julia!

    I was wondering if you know anything about russian/soviet doughnuts. I tried them the other day in Yerevan and they were out of this world! I think they make them with yoghurt, or matsuni. I was told that they are oladiki, but they were more like doughnuts. Would greatly appreciate the recipe!

  19. shah says:

    if ur redy plz call me i am wating

  20. shah says:

    i wanted to do this bissnice i need ur help

  21. shah says:

    plz call me on this num 8099886140 for ur recipe

  22. Helen Mark says:


    I would like to place text link advertisement on your website’s home page side bar. How much do you charge for a text link for 3 months?

    Looking forward to hear from you.



  23. Renata says:

    Loved your site, congrats!!

  24. Victoria says:

    For some reason I can not post from your website on to my Pinterest boards. It will not allow the link. Is there a problem with anyone else?

  25. Irina says:

    Hi Julia,

    Thank you so much for such a great website. You have made the recipes seem very easy, unlike learning from my mom or aunts/grandma (who don’t use recipes, just go from memory), so needless to say I have not been cooking Russian/Ukrainian foods, even though I have always really wanted to, but have been too overwhelmed. Thank you again, and I look forward to making a lot of your recipes! 🙂

  26. Plus says:

    Hello! This is going to sound quite odd, but is there any chance that I can have your username on Twitter, which is @Homika?
    Also, wonderful website! I’m hungry just thinking about it all!

    Thank you in advance! 🙂

  27. Sarah says:

    You have a lovely website!
    We’re currently living in Moscow. Looking for some fresh veg in the supermarket today, I bought some green radish (thinking they were turnips).
    Any ideas for a Soviet/Russian recipe for them? Many thanks, Sarah

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