Category: Main Dishes (Page 22 of 29)
Whole Chicken Roast with Oranges
April 23rd, 2011 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
This roast chicken was a first real food we cooked in our new home since the move (yep, we got a house!). So it was kind of the “celebration of new home” meal :).
If you are looking for some easy recipe for some special event – search no more: whole chicken roast stuffed with oranges is very-very juicy and has a bit unusual sweet taste.
It goes good with mashed potatoes or plain boiled rice as a side dish.
If you don’t like taste of orange zest – peel oranges before stuffing, that will smooth taste a bit.
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring
April 2nd, 2011 in Eggs, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Looking for bright colors for fresh and energetic start of the day? This is your recipe: easy nutritious breakfast eggs and very fun looking also, when prepared accurately. I bet your kids will love them as much as I do.
I usually pick green peppers, they look good in combination with yellow-white eggs and red tomatoes. But any color will work here, just make sure you select big and nice shaped pepper.
Don’t worry if egg white spills around the bell pepper ring, you can easily remove it later on with spatula.
Lazy Cabbage Rolls
March 19th, 2011 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Lazy cabbage rolls, or “lenyvi golubtsi” how this dish is called in ukrainian, is an easier version of ukrainian cabbage rolls.
Since it doesn’t require assembling of rolls it is much easier to prepare, and taste is very similar to cabbage rolls.
Lazy cabbage rolls taste great when seasoned with a bit of chopped garlic and a bit of mayo.
Duck Stewed with Potato and Eggplants
March 5th, 2011 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
I love duck meat. And other day we were lucky to find a couple of duck breasts in Market District opened recently near by (nice store by the way).
So, I got them, also eggplant and some potatoes, and cooked this nice dinner.
Any duck meat will work just fine for this stew, I was just lazy to remove bones.
Braised White Cabbage
January 29th, 2011 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Braised cabbage can be a nice meat-free dish on its own, however it also makes a good side dish for various meats, especially pork and sausages.
You can braise fresh white cabbage alone or mix of white cabbage with sauerkraut (1:1 proportion) to your taste. If you choose to use sauerkraut, rinse it with water before adding to the skillet.
Fresh tomatoes in this recipe can be replaced with tomato paste, if you don’t want to spend time blanching and de-seeding tomatoes.
Chicken Pilaf
January 22nd, 2011 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
An easy tweak to classic pilaf recipe – chicken instead of lamb – will make this dish to shine all different colors. Chicken require less time to cook, it is more lean so, let’s say it is more healthy and also faster to prepare 🙂
Using whole chicken is an option, but in this case you probably need to bone it first (unless you like to chew on bones).
Take boneless thighs, if you don’t like to spend time removing bones. Chicken breasts can be used as well, but may end up being too dry – mix them up with some other parts such us thighs or so.
Another trick to this recipe is using cast-iron pan, ideally round one. It makes rice to cook more evenly which is more important part – get soft not overcooked rice.
Oladi (Russian Pancakes) with Apple
January 15th, 2011 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
This recipe is a step up for russian kefir based pancakes – oladi. My mom used to add slices of apple to oladi batter and that is the way how I prefer them – oladi with apple served warm with sour cream topping.
So the recipe is quite easy: prepare oladi batter, add slices of apple and fry pancakes.
This dish is a perfect choice for breakfast or brunch, or even fast prepared snack. I bet kids would love those pancakes as well. They taste good accompanied with a glass of kefir.