Tips, Advices & How-to

Tips, Advises, How-To and other useful information

How to Clean a Butternut Squash for CookingHow to Clean a Butternut Squash for Cooking

How to Clean a Butternut Squash for Cooking

Since a pumpkin and squash season is upon us again, for these of you who wanted to cook and eat…

6 years ago

How to Make Cream Cheese Frosting

This is this time of the year for pumpkin cookies. And what pumpkin cookie doesn’t taste even better with cream…

7 years ago

How to Boil Chickpeas

If you don’t want to use canned beans in your recipe and prefer to cook chickpeas or garbanzo beans yourself,…

7 years ago

How to Blanch Peaches

Whatever you may need skinless peaches for: a pie, a dessert or a salad, or anything else, here is step-by-step…

8 years ago

Boiled Beef Tongue

Boiled beef tongue is one of foods I love from the childhood, I love the taste, and it also is…

8 years ago

How to Skin Raw Chicken in One Piece

I was working on a recipe stuffed chicken skin (it will be coming up in next post) and, after seeing…

9 years ago

How to Make Quark from Milk

This is a bit more time consuming way to prepare quark (fresh cheese) than the one from kefir, it it…

10 years ago