This is another drink from my childhood. I must say I didn’t like it back when my grandma cooked it. But it changed since then.

I saw rhubarb stalks in store and it reminded me of her, so I decided to share this recipe with you.

If the taste of kompot is a bit too sour for your liking, add a bit more sugar.


  • 1.5lb of rhubarb stalks
  • 2/3 cup of sugar
  • A half of lemon
  • 1 gal of water

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 1
  2. Cut top and bottom tips from each of rhubarb stalks, rinse and peel them:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 2
  3. Slice them into pieces about inch long:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 3
  4. Bring a pot with one gallon of water to boil, add all sugar, boil for 2 mins:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 4
  5. Then add sliced rhubarb, adjust heat to light simmer and cook for 10 mins:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 5
  6. Rinse lemon, if needed scrub it from outside, then slice in circles and add to the pot, cook for 3-4 mins, then turn off the heat, cover pot with a lid and leave kompot for a hour or two to cool down and infuse:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 6
  7. Set colander in a pot big enough, pour kompot in:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 7
  8. Remove colander and pour rhubarb kompot to a pitcher:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe: Step 8
  9. Serve at warm or cooled down with ice:
    Rhubarb Kompot Recipe

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  • Another one my mom used to make!! Site is sooo bookmarked!! :) She'd leave the rhubarb pulp in tho. one of the most refreshing summer drinks ever (next to buttermilk, but apparently that puts me in a club of one.)

    • I maybe mistaken, but I think Ukrainian rhubarb has a bit different taste, at least it is a bit sweeter than the one I got here. But the drink still tastes similar, just needs a bit more sugar to my liking :)

      And I am pretty sure it is much more healthy then a soda from a can.