Apple & Cranberry Kompot
Most of you probably wonders what the “kompot” is, as that is not very usual word in english speaking world. Some of you may also assume there is a grammatical error in the title of this post and I probably mean the apple & cranberries compote (stewed fruits, the dessert), however there is no error: kompot is a drink made of stewed fruits and/or berries, fresh or dried, or a combination of those, and it is traditional drink in many countries of Eastern Europe.
Making kompot is almost effortless, it takes not more then 20 mins (if you don’t count cooling down time in) to get great fruit and healthy drink for you and especially your kids and I believe they will like it much more than those powder-produced drinks from bottles and cans people drinking so much nowadays.
Autumn is a time when fresh apples and cranberries are in every grocery shop and supermarket, Apple & Cranberry Kompot is one of easy way to prepare those two together and it goes good with Apple Cake.
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Pro tip: If you add a little more sugar and seal the hot compote into mason jars, you can keep it in the pantry for years, just like jam. To drink, you can chill it (or serve warm in winter!) and maybe dilute a little if it's too sweet. It's a brilliant feeling to enjoy the fruit from your garden all year round!
I made this exactly the way you did, but when I put it into a pitcher, it was ,uch less colorful than yours, almost clear
edit: much*
Also, although it isn't that colorful, it tastes AMAZING.
Privet! Can we use honey instead of sugar? If so, how much?
Yes, you can, just add it at the end, after heat is turned down and kompot is cooled down a bit. As for amount - just do it to taste, add a bit, mix and check the taste before adding more.
I am from Poland, Poland has excelent food not only kompot. I share all healthy recipies with my american friends. Why only polish women must be slim drinking kompot instead of colas and fantas? Ameriacans deserve good, healthy, and easy to prepare drinks too. There a small diference in polish and american mentality. Poles can still resisit advertisings, yet fortunatelly. USA seems to be so much flooded by propaganda, that people even have no time searching in internet what is good what is not.
What kind of apples are best? Sweet or sour?
Any would do, whichever you like. If kompot tastes a bit too sour, add more sugar.
I like this kind of drink a lot , i grow up with this kind of drinks . I can see that mostly of the people drink unhealthy drinks like soda or other artificial flavered drinks , that kills their body . People wake up , and do not be affected by advertising , drink healthy and be aware of corporations propaganda . Be smart , and healthy .