Categories: Appetizers & Snacks

Stuffed Egg Shells

Egg shells stuffed with mushrooms, eggs and onions mix is an appetizer I asked my mom to do for each celebration, we had, when I was little.

It is still my favorite dish; now I cook it myself when have enough time and special state of mind to stub some eggs and dice everything into little pieces 🙂

To get empty egg shells is the most tricky part in making stuffed egg shells: you may waste one or two eggs while learning to do so, just be brave and persistent.

You are lucky if chickens, which produced eggs you are planning on using to prepare this appetizer, have had enough calcium in their diet, that will make the whole deal with getting nice looking egg shell halves much more easier. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a case for me: the shells of eggs I had were crushing when breathed on.

That didn’t do any bad for taste (believe me!), just made pictures a bit less nice looking than I expected, but I hope you will still like the recipe enough to try it out.


  • 10 eggs
  • 10-12 oz of field mushrooms
  • 4 shallots (can be replaced by other type of onion)
  • 5 table spoons of butter
  • Bunch of fresh dill
  • Salt to taste

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: boil egg in salted water on hard (but don’t over cook so yolk is still bright yellow), cool them down till room temperature; wash and skin mushrooms, rinse dill:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 1
  2. As I said already, getting eggs out of shells without breaking it is a tricky part of this recipe. So take hard boiled egg in your one palm and position big narrow knife along:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 2
  3. Rise knife a bit and stub egg shell with knife with one motion, no need to hit strong just enough to break a shell. Then carefully slit the egg with its shell by moving knife forward and back (saw), continue even if shell breaks (but don’t cut yourself!):
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 3
  4. When the knife cut thru the egg and only shell left to your palm, stop slitting and simply press knife against the shell to break it and separate egg halves:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 4
  5. Position tea spoon between egg shell and egg white:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 5
  6. And scoop egg out of the shell:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 6
  7. Repeat steps from 2 to 6 for the rest of the eggs:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 7
  8. Separate egg whites from yolks with a tea spoon:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 8
    Put egg whites and yolks into separate bowls, use bigger bowl for whites; also you will only need whites of about 6 eggs, so remove the rest (use them for some other dish or just eat straight 🙂 )
  9. Skin and dice shallots finely. Warm a skillet up, melt 2 table spoons of butter in it and fry shallots over moderate heat until soft about 15 mins (stir from time to time):
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 9
  10. While onions are being cooked, get a bowl with egg whites, mash them with a fork or potato masher or chop finely:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 10
  11. Then mash all egg yolks with a fork. Set both bowls aside:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 11
  12. Dice mushrooms finely and add them to the skillet when shallots become soft and ready:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 12
  13. Cook mushrooms and shallots over moderate heat for about 20 mins, then add chopped fresh dill:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 13
  14. Mix everything and add 2 spoons of butter:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 14
  15. Pour mashed yolks in:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 15
  16. Mix, salt to taste and fry for about 1 minute:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 16
  17. Pour content of the skillet to the bowl with mashed egg whites and mix everything while it is hot, taste and add more salt if needed:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 17
  18. Using a teaspoon carefully stuff egg shells with mushroom-egg mix while it is still warm:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 18
  19. Warm up a skillet over low-moderate heat, grease it with an spoon of butter, position stuffed egg shells upside down:
    Stuffed Egg Shells Recipe: Step 19
  20. Fry each egg shell until light yellow-brown color, then remove from the skillet. Cool eggs till room temperature and serve as appetizer (don’t eat shells, just scoop stuffing from them with a fork):
    Stuffed Egg Shells

View Comments

  • Julia,
    I was so VERY excited to find your recipe for Stuffed Eggs in the Shell. Like you I used to ask my grandmother to make these for All our celebratory family dinners and like you I have learned that although our family is from Romania, many of the foods I grew up with were regional in nature and not always strictly Romanian. Although I have all her cook books I could not find this recipe and couldn't remember what we called them in Romanian. There is a polish version but yours most closely represents the way she made them . I have been searching for years especially how to cut the shells in half ( which is a critical component to making the recipe )
    Many thanks I very much look forward to making this!

  • Hi! awesome recipies you got here, Just one question Isn´t it simple and more delicious to use as containers the white part of the egg? That´s how I do it. And I put all over them mayonnaise with sour cream to make it lighter. Truly yummy you should try it!

    • It is easier, but the taste isn't the same. If you don't want to play with egg shells you can stuff boiled mushroom cups with prepared stiffing instead of egg shells, put a bit of cheese on top and cook in oven until cheese is colored.

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  • Well this sounds absolutely yummy. I generally make curried eggs when entertaining but these eggs look just great. I see what you mean about learning the knack of cutting the eggs in half, but its well worth trying. Nice pictures and recipe. I love eggs and am always looking for new ways to serve them and this is a recipe that will get served up many times.