Categories: Appetizers & Snacks

Ham Rolls With Fresh Carrot Stuffing

Got ppl coming over in a 20 mins and got nothing to bite? Make a ham rolls stuffed with fresh carrot & garlic salad.

Easy and fast! Tastes better when accompanied by beer and TV.


  • 3-4 middle size fresh carrots
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt by taste
  • 7-10 not thin slices of ready to eat ham (you may use turkey or chicken breast slices, smoked, roast or baked, any kind you like more).

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare Fresh Carrot & Garlic Salad like it is described here:
    Fresh Carrots & Garlic Salad
  2. Put one slice of ham on a desk, spread carrot & garlic salad in thick layer over the ham using a small spoon:
    Ham Rolls With Carrot Stuffing Recipe: Step 1
  3. Roll the ham up:
    Ham Rolls With Carrot Stuffing Recipe: Step 2
  4. Repeat for Steps 2-4 for all ham slices you have:
    Ham Rolls With Carrot Stuffing Recipe: Step 3
  5. I prefer to cut each roll into 2-3 pieces (depending on the ham size) small enough to eat without biting. Put cut roll pieces on the plate and decorate with cheese, olives or whatever you have:
    Ham Rolls With Carrot Stuffing

View Comments

  • I made this for Christmas Eve & served it with little pumpernickel bread slices. It was delicious! Definitely going to make it again. All the recipes here are so interesting.

  • Had a Father's Day dinner last night making only recipes from this site...outstanding! My husband actually made the ham roll ups and they were a big hit. My dad said the dinner tasted like the food his mother used to compliment, seeing as she was Slavic☺️

  • every recipe on this blog is so inviting to try and make it, enough said. I will just find the 'suggest' button so my sister can enjoy it too.

    • There is a +1 button for google+ which will help you share it on google, I seems can't find a way to make it work for facebook, their "like" button breaks the website :(