
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Cauliflower Pancakes

November 6th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by
Total cooking time: 1h 10min

There is more than one recipe for pancakes on this website, if you are looking for some other recipe, try here: all pancake recipes.

Cauliflower Pancakes

This is my recipe in support of Faina’s with Cucee Sprouts cauliholic addiction. I hope you will like it 🙂

Yet another vegetable pancakes recipe. These are usually healthier choice: they contain much less flour (comparing to usually flour-based pancakes) – batter mostly consist of vegetable goodness and, of course, a bit of eggs 🙂

I love cauliflower in any of its appearance, and I consider cauliflower pancakes to be one of the easiest and fun ways to cook it.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 1
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 1
  2. Separate cauliflower head into florets (discard hard steam). Fill cooking pot with cold water, salt generously; put florets in and leave them soak in for about 30-40 mins:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 2
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 2
  3. Remove florets from the cooking pot, and dry them up with paper towels:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 3
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 3
  4. Grate florets on big slots of grater into big bowl:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 4
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 4
  5. Add eggs:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 5
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 5
  6. Add mayonnaise:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 6
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 6
  7. Mix in salt, baking soda and flour. You can adjust pancakes thickness to your taste by adding more or less flour to the batter:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 7
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 7
  8. Warm up skillet with 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Pour batter into the skillet using tablespoon to form pancakes and fry until golden brown:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 8
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 8
  9. Then flip to other side and fry until ready:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 9
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 9
  10. Repeat for rest of the batter. Serve warm for breakfast or lunch with a ladle of sour cream on a side:
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 10
    Cauliflower Pancakes Recipe: Step 10

23 Responses to “Cauliflower Pancakes”

  1. Karen Dearstine says:

    These were very good. I did have to add more flour. After the first batch was done I tasted it and added grated Romano cheese to the batter. Yummy! I served them with sour cream and ranch dressing! They were a hit! : )

  2. ana says:

    very easy and delicious! thank you for sharing!

  3. Jo says:

    Have you (or any other commenters) tried freezing these? I am full of good intentions, but actually only manage to cook up stuff like this rarely, so prefer to do a huge batch (I’m already convinced I will like them!) and freeze for convenience. I would be interested to hear if that would work. Thanks!

  4. Doe says:

    I made it and loved it!
    I m not a big fan of cauliflower normally.
    Your recipe converted me into one 🙂

  5. sarah says:

    Everything is fantastic except that i don’t know how much of salt should i use! 🙁 I’m new to this.. Can you let me know how much should i add in grams 🙂 I’m sorry if this is a stupid question 🙂

    • I would start with 1/4 of tea spoon, and progress to 1/2 of tea spoon if you like it more salty.
      It is very hard to tell exact amount of salt in any recipe, because ppl like it differently: some like to skip salt all together (I am not one of these), others like it very salty.
      Also different kind of salt can be salty in different way. That is why I usually put “Salt to taste” in ingredients list, you would need to try and see what works for you.

  6. Kevin says:

    I’m going to try a variation of this for waffles, I might play with the contents a bit, but thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Nav says:

    Good lord! It’s past 3 am in India and I’ve just discovered your wesbite. I love it so much that I don’t want to go to bed. On the other hand, if I go to bed now, I’ll be able to try this superb recipe for brunch tomorrow. 😀 Just wanted to tell you that you’re doing a great job and I’ll be back to browse for more!

  8. A.SOFIYA says:

    is it not good without mayonnaise? if no,what is an another option of that?

  9. grace says:

    I made this today and it tasted very good .thank u ..

  10. Francecana says:

    Loved these pancakes!!! Made them for supper today. Just added a bit of dill to batter. After frying, placed them in a dish and in the oven for 10 min. These extra 10 min gave them a bit more tenderness. Great recipe!!!

  11. Brian H. says:

    I’m not a big fan of sour cream, but I might actually try this recipe. I’m needing to improve my food selection. Of course, my son will want to put syrup on them. I’m guessing that would be a no-no.

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